Monday, January 16, 2017


Good afternoon fellow Upstateers: Yes I spelled it Upstateers. What is an Upstateer? I'm glad you asked but if you're not from Upstate New York you'll probably wished you hadn't.

The "Cave Bear's conservative dictionary" defines an "Upstateer" - (up-stay-teer) as a rural or suburban resident north of the Tappan Zee bridge that tends to lean to the right (politically speaking).

  • We might even have more than a few "deplorables" in our ranks.
  • We own guns and believe that the "Safe Act" is only safe for the criminals.
  • We probably listen to Country Radio (Sirius/xm The Highway) in our SUVs on the morning commute.
  • We wear cowboy boots and have horses....
  • We hate too much traffic that we blame on downstaters moving up here.
  • We know the difference between a porcupine and a beaver (long story for next post) 
  • We are used to deer on our lawns and odds are we eat venison.
  • We think our governor is from another planet and we hope he is recalled soon.
  • We pay too much taxes.
  • We love Preet Bhahara and how is cleaning up our state government.
  • We don't want NY City as part of the state, give it to 'jersey.
  • We knew that Trump was going to be the next President of the USA.
  • Oh yea, we love fishing.....
I'm turning that into a bumper sticker...

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