Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Souther Tier Styled Cabin Fever

If you're going to have Cabin Fever what better way to get therapy than to head for Corning, NY. (Still upstate, folks..) If you haven't been to the Southern Tier in a while they've got a new interstate (I-86/State Rte 17)and some tourist destinations worth heading for. The Southern Tier is a new frontier that ardent vacation pioneers have known about for a long time. (Yea, I know, lotsa rhyming,,,sorry.)You've got places like the internationally known Watkins Glen Raceway, Corning Glass, the Rockwell Museum and a ton of beautiful lakes and campgrounds in the southwest counties of New York State.

Back to the Cabin Fever event...there is a ton of wine and food tasting to be had and some really great hotels, inns, bed and breakfasts to check out that are very nice, very classy and very competitively priced. (Reference my "Unchained" notes). Other big thing is the local flavor...R&M for the best burger you've ever had on Market Street, (Thanks Nikki!) Donna's for the best dang breakfast and local news I've had in ages on Market Street (Donna makes awesome cinnamon rolls) and I'm still checking out the other local eateries whilst I'm here.

I really hate to have to run out on the Cabin Fever event on the 20th of February, but I'll be back soon...


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